A school drop out and an IIT’ian; A small shop owner selling cow fodder to an Engineer; A struggling Engineering graduate in 2002 to A corporate professional working in fortune 500 organization like (ARM, Qualcomm, Texas Instrument & Cadence, to name a few); From a corporate employee to an Independent Executive Director of The John Maxwell Team to passionate success coach.

My heart burns when I see people getting stuck in their life. Many think they have no options, and that becomes a limiting belief in their life.
No one can understand this better than me because I have seen the slums; I have been a school dropout, and also I have studied in IIT Madras.
I have also seen the struggle of not getting a job to getting into “Texas Instrument.”
I have also seen the path of chasing a high salary to the frustration of finding meaning in my job.
I have also gone through the phase of doing part-time coaching classes to a part-time direct sales business and bringing it to a high level where I could generate a million-dollar revenue.
While going through this journey, I met my mentors “Paul Martinelli,” “John Maxwell,” & “Robbin Madanes Team lead by Tony Robbins.” who transformed my life for the better.

With this rich experience, I have helped hundreds of people unleash their potential, helped them fix their relationships, help them get meaning to their work, expanding their vision and take them where they couldn’t believe they could have gone.
Let’s work together… An invitation from Bijay Kumar Khandal
Now that you have learned more about me, I would love to get to know you. And if you allow me, I can be your thinking partner in success.
You can connect me at [email protected]
My sleek bio – https://sleek.bio/bijay-kumar-khandal
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